Enter Values

Unlock your potential savings with our ROl calculator. Input your existing logistics expenses and business information to discover the financial and operational advantages of partnering with Borderless360.

Retail Sector

Choose the retail sector that best categorizes your business


Monthly Order Volume

Select your monthly order volume. Please note we only work with retailers shipping 1000+ orders per month.

Monthly 3PL Spend

Select your average monthly 3PL costs. These can include all fulfillment and shipping costs.

Monthly FCL Imports

Select the number of full container load shipments your business imports to warehouses each month.

Fulfillment Locations

Choose the number of countries where your goods are stored for local fulfillment and delivery.

Projected Potential Savings

See the difference with Borderless360. Based on your input, this section reveals how much you can save in time and money by consolidating your logistics. Embrace simplicity and boost your ROI with clear, data-driven insights

New Monthly Logistics Spend:

This figure represents your projected monthly logistics costs when using Borderless360. It reflects the expenses for managing and transporting your goods, optimized through our efficient logistics solutions.

= $0 Savings
Monthly Labour Costs Saved:

This calculation shows the amount you can save each month in labour costs through cutting down customer support, admin and billing hours by streamlining your logistics with Borderless360.

= 40 Hours Labour Reduction
Annual Potential Savings
$0 Per Year

Your annual potential savings represent the net difference between your estimated logistics costs and the labour savings achieved by using Borderless360. This figure reflects the potential financial benefit of streamlining your operations with our solution.

= Logistics and Labour Cost Savings